Update on Behind the Book/ The Diamond Collection

I had mentioned previously that the next post on Behind the Book would feature Kristian Kane, but I’ve decided to postpone Behind the Book so that I can concentrate on learning more about the publishing industry and finalizing The Ace of Diamonds. Right now, the book  has been placed with an editor and I am looking forward to a February 2013 release date. I would’ve much preferred January, but to make sure the book is available to you all in the necessary formats (Amazon/ Kindle, Nook, etc.), it is best to be on the safe side and give it a February 2013 release date rather than one in January. This part of the process is completely out of my hands since it can take 2-6 weeks for the book to get into the necessary catalogs.

I want to say thank you to everyone who has inquired about the book, sent me words of encouragement, voted on covers, etc. I appreciate it all and in the words of Lil’ Wayne, Sorry 4 The Wait!

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